elejin (electronics gijinka) is a term i made up to refer to personifications of electronic devices such as computers/game consoles/phones etc.elejins are ultimately just consoles.
the "human" form they take is a projection of how they view themselves, and is composed entirely of their own battery charge. they do not age, cannot alter their physical appearance, and only eat electricity.the console itself is always present, acting similarly to a pokéball in that they can retreat inside of their own device and come out when they want, rather than a back-and-forth transformation from human to object. they cannot go inside another elejin's console, even if the model is the same.
(sorry to mobile viewers, carrd doesnt format properly)
frequently asked questions & common misconceptions
- what is an elejin?
the term "elejin" (plural: elejins) is a combination of the english word electronics and japanese gijinka (擬人化), meaning "personification". the result is then written エレ人 (ele + person), and refers to the electromagnetic self-projection of a console—in other words, the human appearance of the device."elejin" is essentially synonymous with the word "avatar", in the sense that their true body is the console, but they use their elejin form to go about life in ways that an inanimate object typically could not. the terms "elejin form" and "human form" are often used interchangeably, but mean the same thing.as stated on the main page, the console exists permanently. elejins do not transform from the device into a human, nor is the device just a house for them to live inside. they are the console; the human "form" merely a depiction of their desired appearance, made using the available electric charge contained within their console's battery.due to the limitations of the english language, however, using terminology like "my console" rather than simply "me" is commonplace, whereas in japanese, 本体 (true body) does not imply possession over a state of being.
- how do they create their human forms?
do not ask question just consume product. next question
- what do they eat?
electricity is the only means they have of sustaining themselves. they can obtain it by using the corresponding charging equipment for their device, or in certain cases leeching it directly from other elejins of the same appropriate voltage type.any attempt to ingest human food (or other nonfood items) will result in gagging and respiratory upset, as they do not possess a stomach in elejin form; their throat and nasal passages lead to functional "lung" cavities and nowhere else.
- do they breathe?
they do not require oxygen, meaning they can "breathe" even underwater as long as the passage to their lungs is not obstructed. smoke or other accumulated particles in the air will cause them as much irritation as it would a human, just not pose the additional threat of suffocation.
- do they sleep?
any sleeping done in elejin form is merely a comfort activity, and they cannot gain refreshment from it in the way humans do. in fact, doing so would actually drain their battery further, as though they were awake. but if sufficient charge is not an issue, they can "sleep" outside of their console for as long as they please (or never at all).their real method of rest occurs inside the console when the power is off, but this alone will not provide them with any energy restoration unless the console is also being charged. it does, however, help return their console temperature to a more neutral and safe degree.for those equipped with sleep mode, enabling this function makes it incredibly hard for them to stay awake in elejin form.
- can they be injured?
while their consoles are obviously not immune to wear and tear, their elejin forms cannot sustain long term injury, being a manifestation of electricity. they can, however, feel pain—both via damage inflicted on their consoles, as well as short term disruption of the electricity that makes up their elejin form.this also means that damage done even to elements without the equivalent of nerve endings in humans (such as clothing or hair) will result in the sensation of pain, though to a much lesser extent than bodily injury. in either case, their electricity is quick to repair itself, and discomfort from minor injuries is not long lasting. they also do not produce blood, but areas surrounding a sustained injury may appear red during the brief reparation process.if an elejin is met with enough force, or traumatic enough disruption to their electrical charge, they may not be able to withstand it, and will be forcibly sent back into their console regardless of distance.
- what do they feel like?
they have the incredible capability to replicate a multitude of realistic textures using just their electrical charge, so what you see is exactly what you get. in addition, their bodies produce a slightly fuzzy static-like sensation when touched.
- how much do they weigh?
as much as you would expect based on appearance. though their elejin forms are not technically a solid object, they do obey properties of gravity, and can be responsible for a degree of mass displacement.
- can they... yknow...
they cannot :)
- can i make an elejin OC?
100% yes! it is not a closed species or anything that needs my permission. i would love to see any that you create!! ⚡
device IBM desktop computer
gender female
height 4'11 ( 151cm )
一人称 僕

She is very energetic, and spends most of that energy trying to engage whoever she can in some kind of fun activity, whining and pleading if they attempt to decline. She may seem immature, but her behavior is more of a calculated act to elicit the most amusing response from others.
likes & dislikes
Pyuu loves having fun by any means necessary. There are hardly any activities she finds boring, as long as she is able to spend time with others in an interactive way. She also loves lions, citing them as the most powerful animal specifically in regards to destroying mice, which she fears will chew through her power cord, effectively ending her life.
misc trivia
her dream is to swim in the ocean, which unfortunately due to the travel limitations of her console will most likely never be realized.
she considers herself to be the role of Dell's older sister (although he insists the opposite) and will take it upon herself to discipline him when he behaves undesirably. she ignores the comparison to her own equally questionable behavior when enforcing this authority.

design notes
she wears a bikini under her dress shirt. though only the lower half is visible in her standard outfit, it is not to be confused with panties.
she hates any kind of pants or footwear. short length dresses/skirts are ok, as well as open-toe socks, but nothing that covers the bottom of her feet or toes.
she does not feel cold, ever. overheating is common in summer, but otherwise she can regular her body temperature perfectly.
device inspiron 1545 laptop
gender male
height 5'4 ( 163cm )
一人称 オレ

He is quite nice and considerate of others by nature, but also struggles with the ability to make intelligent decisions that will keep him out of trouble. Despite not being openly lecherous, he is often thought of as a pervert due to the public knowledge of some of his personal interests, or in some cases purely as the result of a misunderstanding.
likes & dislikes
Dell has an extreme affinity for soft things, the most iconic to his character being peaches. Though he cannot eat or even smell them, he loves rubbing the fuzzy surface against his face, but maintains that this obsession has nothing to do with the stereotypical "butt" shape as he is entirely uninterested in buttocks, focusing all of his attention instead on breasts. He has been known to disable his own antivirus program in order to access adult content online, consequently ending up with viruses that may cause him to behave in unusual ways.He is terrified of ghosts—specifically, having his console possessed by one—and will BSOD instantly if this fear is escalated via media tropes, teasing, etc. When questioned about his fear of losing bodily autonomy to a ghost, but seeming unbothered by falling victim to a virus in almost the same manner, his response regarding the latter has been essentially "the reward justifies the risk".
misc trivia
he loves cats because of their soft fur, but dislikes dogs due to the limited interaction he has had with them causing him to believe they all feel as wiry as the short haired ones he has pet before. he also dislikes sheep after feeling misled by the soft appearance of their wool.
he is heavily self conscious and can easily be made insecure by bringing attention to anything about himself by implying it is a negative trait.
he collects both live and dead bugs to use as a means of tormenting Elell. knowing that this practice will get him in trouble, he attempts to secretly keep the live bugs inside his chassis, allowing them to roam freely amongst his internal components.

design notes
his hair is very light blue, not white, and his cowlick is flat like a leaf rather than conical.
he does not have normal pupils; instead they appear as some rendition of horizontal line directly under the shine of his iris.
his undershirt is white with black sleeves, that connect to a black rimmed collar with a black triangle at the center of the neckline. this triangle peeks out from the collar of his hoodie, causing the undershirt to appear completely black.
device macbook
gender female
height 4'8 ( 148cm )
一人称 アタイ

She has a high opinion of herself and views most others as being too childish to waste her time engaging with. She is not a braggart and does actually seem to possess higher than average intelligence, but with no real outlet for it, she often ends up alone doing nothing.
likes & dislikes
Apple is in love and obsessed with Dell, apparently for no other reason than that he is the first boy she ever encountered. Though unrequited, this love is not blind; she openly acknowledges all of his flaws and volunteers to help "fix" them rather than become angry with him. The only exception to this is his constant remarks about her chest, which she will respond to with physical violence.Her flat chest is the bane of her existence. While it was a conscious decision initially to replicate the petite frame of a ballerina, she soon became aware of the societal preference for a larger bust, as established by Dell in his reason for not reciprocating her affection, as well as Pyuu who persistently teases her about it.
misc trivia
prior to the arrival of Dell giving her something to focus on, Apple preferred to remain completely alienated from others. Pyuu has appointed herself Apple's best friend, with some participation from Ai, but Apple protests this and firmly resists both of their advances.
her pink jacket is made of Pyuu's electricity. her attachment to it seems to contradict claims that she does not value Pyuu as a friend.

design notes
her cowlick will match the angle of her head, but the apple hair clip is only on her left side. her bangs also flip up to the left.
device iPhone SE 3
gender female
height 4'1 ( 125cm )
一人称 わたし

Fawn prefers hiding in the shadows rather than participating in activities with others. She almost always maintains a blank expression, but will smirk or chuckle patronizingly when relevant.
likes & dislikes
Fawn's only hobby seems to be pulling pranks on or generally inconveniencing Dell. She does not direct this attention toward anyone else, and is regarded as being well-behaved by others.She will prevent anyone from removing her hat at all costs, for any reason. Aside from Pyuu, who has been sworn to secrecy, the top of Fawn's head has apparently never been seen.
misc trivia
she is the only elejin who is tied to a sim card rather than console, and is able to transfer memories to the new device with each upgrade.

design notes
she does not remove her hat. it can be swapped for a different hat, as long as the entire top of her head is covered.
device iPod nano
gender female
height 3'6 ( 107cm )
一人称 ナノ

Nano is cheerful and upbeat, using her energy to pursue the path of an idol. She will perform miniature concerts in which she does covers for songs in her device library, but a defect in her console's programming provides a sizable chance after each song of failing to initiate the next, which presents in her elejin form as dropping into a sudden pit of depression that lasts until someone is able to physically reboot the device.
likes & dislikes
Introduced to the concept by what would become her favorite song, Otokonoko no Tobira by MOSAIC.WAV, Nano has developed a driving interest in femboys. She concentrates her unique taste in fashion on designing cutesy and sometimes over-the-top outfits (often accentuating the crotch area) for Jigen, who she treats like a personal dress up doll. The outfits are made of her own electricity, however, meaning they will vanish completely during one of her brief, semi-random bouts of apathy where she is unable to generate the energy needed to maintain them.She is not known to particularly detest anything, but does express disinterest ugly boys that she considers ineligible for femboyification. The only current offender in this category is Elell; despite her efforts to dress him in various tailor-made clothing and accessories, she has ultimately deemed him "unfit to become cute".
misc trivia
she has a habit of mishearing lyrics to songs, as well as mixing up spoken words people have said in conversation with similar sounding words.
she likes dogs, especially ones that bark a lot.

design notes
under her dress is a black long sleeve shirt, and black tights. it is not a onesie or body suit.
device nintendo wii
gender female
height 5'7 ( 170cm )
一人称 わたし

Ui is generally reserved and considered by others to play the role of guardian figure, however unintentional. She apparently blends into the background easily and can go unnoticed when other elejins are engage in group activities, much like a parent would seem to at their child's birthday party from the point of view of the other kids.
likes & dislikes
Although she does tend to be left out of them, Ui still enjoys hosting multiplayer games on her console for the other elejins. She considers this to be the closest she will get to full inclusion. She even takes time to thoroughly read instruction manuals for each game, so that if any confusion about gameplay should arise, she can be of assistance.She will keel over and appear to die upon being called old in any way, something that much to her dismay happens all too frequently despite it being common knowledge that elejins do not have ages like humans do. Originally based on the design of her console, she now laments her tall figure and long white hair, but attempts to change her clothing and hairstyle have made little difference in alleviating the issue of feeling alienated from her peers.
misc trivia
in addition to reading game manuals, she does her best to research other elejin consoles in order to provide troubleshooting help when needed.
she has a bit of a wild imagination that leads her to form inaccurate impressions of people or situations based on conclusions she has jumped to.

design notes
her sleeves are connected to the underarm area of her dress. the area of connection is small, only about 1 or 2 stitches worth.
the circular hair ornament on her right side has the electronics power symbol engraved into it in white.
device nintendo DSi
gender female
height 5' ( 152cm )
一人称 アイ

Ai is very laid back, consistently displaying sleepy or somewhat dopey behavior. She does have moments of energy bursts, but usually not lasting for very long, ans always mental rather than physical. Her eyes are often closed even when she is awake.
likes & dislikes
She has stated to have created her own body to be as pillow-like as possible, and as such seeks out pillow-like objects to rest her head on. She is known for her ability to doze off literally anywhere regardless of how uncomfortable the surface material appears to be. Like Apple, she is also smitten with Dell, though more out of curiosity compared to Apple's obsessive fangirling. Ai will frequently attempt to get Dell to engage with her physically, but he is entirely too preoccupied by the sight of her eyebrows—which apparently resemble big fuzzy caterpillars in his mind—resulting in his resistance.She will always try to put an end to physical violence when she sees it, though sometimes causes unintentional injury to whoever she is trying to stop in the process.
misc trivia
perhaps due to her preference for keeping her eyes closed, Ai appears to struggle to read. but, she practices regularly for as long as she can before inevitably falling asleep.
her console's battery life is impeccably long, also most likely as a result of being chronically half asleep and therefore using minimal energy in elejin form.

design notes
her outfit is not meant to represent a traditional kimono, just her basic recreation of one. it is loose and inaccurate by normal standards, but does include a rolled up section of fabric in back of the obi belt, though covered by her hair most of the time.
device nintendo DS lite
gender female
height 4'10½ ( 149cm )
一人称 わたし

At first keeping her guard up, Lite has become more friendly over time. She is very protective of the other girls, and tends to resort to violence quickly in order to defend them from any perceived unwanted male interaction.
likes & dislikes
She cares deeply for Ai and attributes her friendship to changing the negative outlook Lite had on trusting others. Though she still holds to her general distrust of men, she believes that without Ai, she would not have been able to form friendships as easily with all of the other girls. Secretly, Lite is also heavily invested of the prince-rescuing-princess trope, but feels she cannot let anyone find out about this given her known dislike of any male/female contact. She apparently has a handful of cheap dating games used to satisfy this storybook fantasy interaction.She has a zero tolerance policy for harassment of other girls. Against Ai's wishes, Lite will not hesitate to physically reprimand anyone she catches bothering a girl in her presence, but she often misinterprets innocent situations and attacks erroneously. She at one point attempted to switch to verbal abuse, but those on the receiving end of this new punishment (Dell) found the onslaught of insults much more damaging than just being beaten up, and she was convinced to revert.
misc trivia
her console was purchased secondhand, and she has made vague reference to the mistreatment of it, as well as having frequently changed hands in the past, as being the source of her inability to trust men specifically.

design notes
under her overshirt is a black crop top tank. she uses a gauze-like wrap in place of a bra, with the intent of suppressing the size of her chest, but not binding it very flat at all.
she has a pretty broad frame, particularly in the shoulder area. i just sucked at drawing diverse body types when these refs were created which makes her look more petite than intended.
device nintendo 3ds
gender male
height 5' ½ ( 154cm )
一人称 僕

He is polite almost to a fault, and still speaks rather formally around most people, with the word "sorry" being a staple of his vocabulary. This well-mannered behavior vanishes completely when he is allowed to participate in FPS games, at which point he will become belligerent and use loud, foul language regardless of whether he is winning or losing. Once the game is taken away from him and he has time to cool down, he will express remorse at his lack of self control, acknowledging that he cannot help himself in the heat of the moment.
likes & dislikes
Jigen seems to have an aversion to establishing "favorites" or even emphasizing preference for one thing over another, but has been coaxed into forming an interest in frogs. However, his most prominent fixation is guns. Although his only such experience has been via shoulder buttons on a controller, he describes the action of pulling the trigger in a borderline sexual manner—something that many find jarring given his usual demeanor, and to which he admits being ashamed of. The exact reason for this obsession is unknown even to Jigen himself, but is confined strictly to fictional media such as movies or games where he knows real people are not being harmed.Repeated comparison of his console's screen dimensions to others in the DS family has caused him to develop somewhat of a size complex. While he is comfortable with his height and does not wish to be any taller, he becomes irritated when comments are made about his size even positively; however, as he does not want to fault anyone by taking offense, he will usually keep this frustration to himself.
He is not known to have any specific fears other than the general ever-present concern with having unintentionally caused someone to become upset as a result of his actions.
misc trivia
although initially uncomfortable wearing clothes thought to be meant for women (by accident), he has since come to the conclusion that such limitation is nonsensical, and believes anyone should be free to dress how they want.
he relates the segmentation of his console into distinct upper and lower halves to his reason for experiencing discomfort wearing most dresses: a single article of clothing functioning as both top and bottom feels incompatible with his design in his mind.
bizarrely, using rubbing alcohol on his console appears to induce a state of intoxication in his elejin form similar to drunkenness in humans, during which he becomes less reserved and will openly reveal some of his less desirable thoughts. he retains no memory of this once the alcohol solution dries and he returns to sobriety, writing it off as some sort of elaborate trick being played on him.
he is apparently very enticed by large breasts, but tries to repress this as he believes it is disrespectful to indulge in.

design notes
his shirt is one article of clothing; it is not a yellow vest on top of a white sailor top.
each point of his tiara has a small purple upward facing ^ arrow on it. these arrows are not visible from the reverse side, which is completely white.
device PSP
gender female
height 4'1½ ( 126cm )
一人称 わたし

She regards herself as royalty and expects everyone else to do the same, demanding that she be referred to as Queen Lirula. She is bossy and inconsiderate of "peasants"—a term she uses to collectively refer to those beneath her—with the exception of Dell, who she has appointed primary means of transportation, granting him a special level of protection from others (but continuing to mistreat him herself).
likes & dislikes
Lirula is entranced by unicorns, and will often refer to Dell as one due to his hair somewhat resembling a horn. Any act of subservience towards her is also met positively, although she expects as much even when not actively demanding it. She has no reservations about giving praise to others for their achievements, but apparently only does so because her opinion of everyone else is so low that even minor accomplishments seem beyond the capabilities of a "commoner" to her. She will then also credit herself in some way as being responsible for the person's talents.She despises being opposed or having her authority challenged, including being referred to as a child. Though verbally abusive, she will not engage in physical combat herself, but may instruct others to do so on her behalf. She also hates having her console handled by unclean hands, leaving her sweaty, sticky or greasy, as well as the ants such residue attracts.
misc trivia
she is expertly skilled at seemingly every game she plays, and will use this to her advantage by hustling others into owing her favors after losing against her.
she is uniquely able to change both her hair and nail color, but refuses to give any logical explanation on how she is able to do so, instead acting surprised by the fact that other elejins cannot.

design notes
her hair and nail color can be changed at will. the cowlick is specifically on her right side, and does not shift with the direction of her head.
only one of her fangs is visible at a time, depending on which way she's facing.
her palms and soles are notably lighter than her base skin color.
there is a gold button on the outer strap of each shoe where it snaps it to the base.
device nintendo 3DS LL
gender female
height 4'11 ( 150cm )
一人称 わたくし

She carries herself gracefully with delicate mannerisms and formality of a high class lady. This constitution begins to crumble when the instability of her mental state is brought forth by unexpectedly perverse desires.
likes & dislikes
Mitsumi has wholeheartedly devoted herself to loving women, often taking this adoration to extremes and putting herself in harm's way to satisfy her masochistic urges. She will seek out this physical torment from any girl—even by means of provocation—but harbors a more specifically intense obsession with Bailey, who Mitsumi came to view as being a dominatrix after a miscommunication that occurred when the two were first introduced.She despises men to such a degree that she refuses to even acknowledge their immediate presence. Because she refuses to speak of them, it is impossible get her to disclose the origin of this hatred.
misc trivia
poor handling of her console during transport caused it to sustain near fatal damage, requiring it to be partially rebuilt using components of second console.
her naturally maroon-colored irises appear to turn a bright glowing red when she is at the height of her masochism, much like the red power light indicating critical low battery on her device.

design notes
she has several large jagged scars on her legs, but may not be visible through her tights.
there is no button or clasp fastening her shoe straps in place. the strap is attached to the underside of the opening like a ballet slipper, allowing the shoe to slide on and off.
device nintendo DSi LL
gender female
height 4'6½ ( 139cm )
一人称 わたし

Bailey is quiet, but not traditionally shy. She prefers the company of animals, but in the absence of them will see their likeness in her current company, even going so far as to pet people's heads after announcing the animal species she sees them as.
likes & dislikes
She loves anything to do with animals, and will go out of her way to attempt to pet both real animals and any depictions of them, such as stuffed toys or illustrations. If anyone expresses a fear or dislike of animals, she will plead with them to try to change their mind.She cannot explain why, but being called cute causes her a great deal of visible distress: her face turns an almost glowing red, and the electrical charge that makes up her body will produce a temporary burning sensation if touched. In addition, being compared to an animal herself, as well as any degree of dressing up like one, will elicit this same response. There is no change to the temperature of her console during these episodes, but it will heat up considerably if she is inside it when the reaction is triggered.
misc trivia

design notes
underneath her jean jacket is a long sleeve plain yellow sweater, which is tucked into her skirt.
there is a T shaped seam on the back of her jacket connecting the two sleeve seams.
device nintendo DSi XL
gender male
height 4'6 ( 138cm )
一人称 僕

Unlike other elejins who enjoy the experience of becoming more humanlike, Elell is insistent on retaining as many traits as he believes a machine should. His direct manner of speech and lack of nuance often cause him to come across as rude, and while it is not his intent to offend others, he will put the blame on them for finding fault with his actions. He also refuses to refer to anyone by their actual name, instead addressing them in ways that describe their appearance or behavior in a generally negative sense.
likes & dislikes
Elell is rarely seen without a book in his hand, and does not engage in much physical activity other than getting up to go swap one book out for another from the shelf. However, he is entirely illiterate outside of binary code, and will only accept books with pictures in them. He then uses art programs on his console to draw realistic animals as a way of solidifying what he has learned about them from observation. Additionally, he has a talent for crafting animals using origami, as it can be learned by following the visual steps without needing to understand written instructions.He is terrified of bugs, citing an inherent aversion to them based on the terminology's relation to machines. He is quick to silence any mention of insects, and will either hide behind the nearest person or run screaming for help if he encounters one while alone. He also has a fear of heights, with a tolerance of being about 30' off the ground before feelings of panic start to take effect.
misc trivia
his electrical charge is much weaker than usual for his console, causing him to feel perpetually cold. it is also not strong enough to kill insects on contact; a standard feature of elejin bodies that ironically would be of most use to him.
he constantly attempts to leech battery charge from Jigen by making physical with him contact in elejin form.
he is highly critical of amateur artwork, specifically doodled portrayals of animals he finds unrealistic, to which he will deliver a quick and unrelenting "it sucks."
he struggles with his unspoken attraction to Bailey, but will deny accusations of "having a crush," believing that machines are incapable of such emotion. he is unsure of what could be causing his abnormal reaction to her, and becomes agitated discussing it.

design notes
his eyebrows are notably thick, similar in appearance to his cowlick.
including the one across the shoulders, there are 7 stripes down the front and back of his shirt, and 6 down each sleeve beginning with the topmost stripe partially obstructed at each seam.
he does not smile.
device macbook pro
gender female
height 4'10 ( 148cm )
一人称 ワイ

She presents herself very confidently, but prefers to remain strategically reclusive, spending most of her time removed from social situations unless there is a chance to show off her cleverness. Her laziness is performative; she will often appear to be asleep while secretly listening in to nearby private conversations, then using any sensitive information she overhears to stir up drama for her own entertainment.
likes & dislikes
Plum has modeled much of her behavior around that of a cat, minus any trait she deems to be a weakness such as fear of dogs or aversion to water. She does, however, become noticeably unsettled around Vita (whose overwhelming personality is often considered doglike) and will maintain a safe distance from any source of water, though she attributes the latter to natural precaution as an electronic device.Her haughty, in-control attitude quickly disperses when she feels she is being made a fool of. She takes substantial ego damage when someone points out a mistake she has made, especially after having expended a great deal of effort to present what she thought would be a damning conviction.
misc trivia
she is a skilled climber both indoors and outdoors, easily capable of scaling trees to access rooftops for sunbathing. inside, she will push objects onto the floor from high places like shelves to make room for herself to sprawl out for a nap.
her keen senses make it hard for others to mask their feelings in her presence, allowing her to further exploit those insecurities, or at least expose them to a relevant party so that drama will ensue.

design notes
her fangs can be drawn either both at once, or just one to reflect the way she's facing.
her palms and soles are slightly lighter than her base skin color.
her hair is in thick locs, some being fashioned into a bun in back with 2 locs protruding up from the top.
she is sometimes drawn with cat ears/tail that appear affixed to her body, but these are simply decorations to illustrate her behavior, and not a part of her actual design.
device playstation 3
gender female
height 5' ( 152cm )
一人称 私

Azure is very physically active, and encourages others to be as well.
Her facial expression always exudes positivity, and her voice remains gentle and soothing even during the most rigorous activities.
likes & dislikes
She loves exercising, which she does extensively despite the fact that elejins are unable to tone muscle mass. She has an odd quirk where witnessing humans consume junk food will cause her to enter a hypnosis-like state in which she will begin inserting disks, memory cards or other game containing cartridges into her mouth as though mimicking the behavior. Once she realizes what she has done, she will ashamedly begin even more rigorous exercise to counteract her perceived carb intake, once again in spite of being aware that it is not possible for elejins to even gain weight.She frowns on laziness, including the use of her own console by others for an extended period of time. If her controller is not handed over, she will not hesitate to administer a forceful slap to the face.
misc trivia
astoundingly, Azure is somehow able to maintain her elejin form even while her console is unplugged. this should not be possible for a console reliant on a power supply (as opposed to those with chargeable batteries who can remain in elejin form until the battery charge is depleted) but she has been able to offer no explanation other than attributing it to her endurance as a result of exercise.
she was purchased from the same vendor in Hong Kong as Vita, where the two of them were friendly. the extent of this friendship varies greatly between their individual accounts, though.
she has a habit of walking away from a conversation mid sentence, believing the exchange to be over after the initial greeting. it can be difficult to keep her engaged in friendly chatter unless a specific topic is being discussed.

design notes
her skin is extremely pale to the point that it almost appears white.
despite constant exercising, she is no more physically fit or toned than anyone else.
device wii U (console)
gender male
height 5'11½ ( 182cm )
一人称 俺

Yuuta rarely stirs and is even less eager to vocalize. He will converse in short sentences with his sister, Brett, but hardly ever gives more than a one word response—if anything at all—to anyone else. This is not due to lack of literacy, but rather a simple unwillingness to engage.
likes & dislikes
The only thing he seems to care for is Brett, and will become protective of her if he believes she is at risk of mistreatment. He has sometimes been observed acting of his own volition to provide assistance, albeit silently, to other elejins, suggesting some presence of a helpful nature as opposed to total apathy.He dislikes exerting energy, both physically and mentally, which even includes being used to play games. He spends most of his time holed up inside his console, only emerging when he feels the need to keep a close eye on Brett. In particular, he believes Dell poses a threat to her decency, as the result of an ongoing series of awkward misunderstandings.
misc trivia
he seems to have a harder time engaging with girls than boys. certain topics (namely those relating to the human body, especially his own) embarrass him enough for his entire face to turn bright red, which he will try to hide by putting his entire hand over it.
when it is within reach and he can be bothered to exert the energy, he may use Brett's console to type messages as a form of communication.
upon hearing him speak for the first time, people are often surprised at the gentle sound of his voice, expecting it to have been deeper and more "scary".

design notes
his suit vest has a clasp in the back as is standard for the type of garment.
as an apparent result of being too lazy for buttons, his vest features a zipper running down the front of it. the pull tab as well as the zipper itself are visually concealed by the fake seam of the vest, though.
device wii U (gamepad)
gender female
height 2'11 ( 89cm )
一人称 わたし

Brett is much more energetic than her brother, Yuuta, and has made it her personal goal to help him become more outgoing. Though she appears to be a small child, Brett is actually among the most mentally mature of everyone, particularly in her ability to forgive others and be open to resolving misunderstandings. Her desire to not be judged based on her childlike appearance does not stop her from having fun in typical carefree ways along with everyone else.
likes & dislikes
The most important thing to her is of course Yuuta and any progress he makes towards being social. She frequently attempts to engage him with others, but will also scold him for acting in unfriendly ways, such as ignoring people who try to talk to him. Her favorite animal is monkeys and will swing from Yuuta's arms as though they were tree branches while imitating one.She loathes being picked up, which unfortunately many people are tempted to do because of her size and likeness to a toddler. In spite of her usual maturity, it is her gut reaction to begin kicking the "assailant", after which she is very apologetic.
misc trivia
she refers to Yuuta as oniichan even though technically elejins do not have ages, and therefore neither of them can be older than the other. she explains that because it fits their dynamic visually, she has come to just enjoy the bond she feels from saying it.
due to Yuuta's general aversion to dialogue, Brett takes it upon herself to voice concerns relating to maintenance of his console, such as cleaning dust from the air vents.
while she is not necessarily resentful of her small stature, she does admit to fantasizing about being taller in order to be taken more seriously.
she can be seen as somewhat of a parallel to Ui, who is openly distraught about her own figure and wishes to be more childlike. the two occasionally commiserate about this dilemma.

design notes
she only has one fang on her right side. it is not visible from the left.
her jumper has small leg holes, rather than being an open ended dress.
device playstation vita
gender male
height 5'6 ( 167cm )
一人称 おれ

Vita has been described as having dog-like qualities, specifically similar to a golden retriever in terms of friendliness. Despite this, he functions more as an errand boy, and has no actual friends.
likes & dislikes
Vita's penchant for helping others is rivaled only by his infatuation with Azure, who unfortunately seems entirely oblivious to these feelings. The two were apparently acquainted at the vendor where they were housed before being purchased, however what made a lasting impression on Vita as someone he formed an important bond with appears to have been no more than a casual exchange of words from Azure's perspective. Still, he is determined to get her attention, which he does by means of devoting himself to the "teachings" of Dell, who he inexplicably regards as a master of female relations.Although not especially masculine to begin with, Vita views effeminacy as a major threat to his image, and is mortified beyond a sensible margin by the idea of being emasculated. His understanding of this concept is highly subjective and full of inconsistencies; for example, he has no problem publicly wearing swim trunks, but being seen in his boxers—even just by other males—is what he would classify as "indecent exposure", and cause him to become embarrassed.
misc trivia
his preference for overalls is a preventative measure against the risk of wardrobe malfunctions. he rolls up his pant legs and avoids shoelaces so as not to trip on them for the same reason.
much like the rear touch pads on his console, his entire backside is extremely sensitive. he discourages others from making physical contact with it.
he appears confused whenever his behavior is compared to that of a dog (or he is directly referred to as one), apparently unable to see the similarities himself.
the concept of humor is lost on Vita. he will always attempt to explain away the punchline of a joke, believing himself to be helping correct the speaker on their "misunderstanding" of the subject being poked fun at.
when upset, he will be reduced to a whiny sniveling mess and cling to Dell for support. these breakdowns do not occur unless Dell is immediately present.

design notes
he has 3 freckles in a triangle formation under both eyes. some can also be seen on his buttocks from certain angles.
only one of his fangs is visible at a time (depending on which side hes facing) and is depicted either normally or as a flesh tooth.
though usually hidden by the shape of his hair, he has a circular black earring on both earlobes.
when untied, the hair used to make his braids and ponytail appears as long sections on either side of his head. these longer parts are more toward the front, and do not cover the shorter back portion of his hair.
device nintendo switch
gender female
height 5'2 ( 158cm )
一人称 あたし

Sui is best known for being flirtatious and manipulative in a playful way. She is highly persistent with little respect for physical boundaries when it comes to interacting with others, and appears to know exactly how to identify a person's weak spot in order to make herself irresistible depending on that person's specific unspoken desires.
likes & dislikes
She takes great pleasure in seducing others, regardless of gender or appearance, and is capable of playing either the dominant or submissive role based on whichever she has determined to be more effective for the current individual. Although physical contact is usually involved, her goal lies strictly in the thrill of captivating her target, with no intent to pursue further intimacy. In fact, she struggles against those who reciprocate her advances (whether intentional or through obliviousness) and will retreat in a very flustered condition should she feel she no longer has the upper hand.Sui becomes extremely uncomfortable around animals, including fish and insects. However, since witches are historically associated with having animal familiars, she shamefully keeps this phobia a secret, finding ways to conveniently excuse herself from the area if she detects the presence of an animal.
misc trivia
she is apparently unaffected by Vita's otherwise universally recognized similarity to a dog, and regularly administers harassment by running her fingertip down the length of his back, which she knows is a sensitive area for him.
conversely, she does lose her composure around Plum, though it is unclear whether this is due to Plum's catlike aura, or just Sui's own inexperience targeting those more confident than herself.

design notes
she has a beauty mark under the corner of her right eye, and far below the center of her left eye right above her chin
under her robe is a grey sweater vest, on top of a white dress shirt with elbow length sleeves and a tucked in tie matching her plaid skirt
device macbook air
gender female
height 4' ( 128cm )
一人称 あたち

In front of others, Melon behaves very sweetly, portraying herself as naive and somewhat helpless, almost like a little sister. However, this is merely a charade to hide her true wickedness, allowing her to carry out malicious deeds free of conviction.
likes & dislikes
Melon seems to have a compulsive thirst for secretly causing harm to other consoles. Her methods are usually limited to a quick scratch to the external material, which she has learned to do even in the presence of others without being detected, but she is also capable of inflicting more serious damage if an opportunity presents itself. The only known way to prevent this behavior is to distract her with images of her favorite animal, the tanuki.Due to putting on the constant act of being sweet and innocent, it is not known which of Melon's traits are real and which are fabricated for effect. Among the things she has claimed to be afraid of are all generic human fears, including snakes, spiders, thunder storms, ghosts/monsters, and the dark.
misc trivia
the only one who knows of Melon's true evil self is Fawn, but as a result of Fawn's sometimes equally mischievous behavior, no one believes her when she accuses Melon.
when annoyed, she tends to have a harder time keeping up her angel act and has on occasion snapped at someone by mistake. because she is always able to charm her way out of suspicion afterwards, it has never led to her cover being fully blown.

design notes
her mouth is only in the curled lips shape when she is in her pretend innocent persona. though she does not actually have sharp teeth, fangs may appear visible when she is performing an evil act.